—By Rana Shami
On Wednesday, October 14 at 3:00 PM PCCC’s “Career and Professional Readiness” held a workshop on the catalog to careers via zoom meeting. Mr. Thomas Moore the Coordinator of Career & Professional Readiness, and Briana Brito Career Specialist, were presenting the workshop.
Mr. Moore began by saying, “Catalog to Careers is a program that is designed to talk to you about what your major is— also it going to show you the majors at the college offers, and the different kinds of degrees that are available.”
Briana Brito added, “ College Catalog is a document that explains all the different programs that a college has to offer pretty much every two years, four-year institutions have one, and it's just giving you the whole picture of all the programs you can get into whether it be a degree program or certificate program.”
Mr. Moore stated, “It’s important to understanding different types of degrees that are available to you because it's going to help in your major exploration as you understand your major more and start to understand the different areas that you can get.” He continued, “Into our institution, we can offer certificates, and we would offer different kind of credentials for you, but for a degree perspective we have associate degrees you would move on for a master’s degree, doctorate, or bachelor’s degree at a 4-year institution if you moved on.”
The next subject Mr. Moore talked about is the degree types. There is an A.A, A.F.A, A.S.A, and these are all considered as transfer degrees. They're designed to be part of the first 60 credits of 120 credits that a student would receive for a bachelor’s degree. An A.A, A.F.A, A.S.A, is an undergraduate degree that is typically selected to transfer to a 4 – year university and continue education—its the first half of a bachelor’s degree.
A.A.S degree is a little different associate of applied science. That's considered a career degree. The difference between these two is that when students get into the associate applied science, they're thinking about more of getting into their professional field after they get their associate degree. An associate degree prepares a student to enter a career that provides technical training not typically designed for transferring.
Briana Brito added, “If you want to continue, you want to make sure that you're in the right degree program so that your classes reflect whatever you're learning to prepare you for that bachelors, Masters, doctorate.” She continued, “But we wanted to bring back to the college catalog again because if you are kind of questioning or you're like thinking maybe I'm not in the right major or degree programs go back to that college catalog again because that's something that's going to be connecting you to your future career and your field that what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life.”
Mr. Moore said, “Our guided Pathway provides an academic roadmap, giving focus to a student’s educational journey and thereby supporting student success. We want to make sure that as you get into a pathway you know you’re selecting a major under the umbrella of a pathway and here in our college we have seven of those. Education and Public Safety Studies, Humanities, Media Studies and Performing Arts, Health Sciences, Science, Technology Engineering and Math, Business and Culinary Arts and Technical Pathways.”
Mr. Moore and Briana Brito concluded the zoom meeting by giving their emails and phone numbers for more help or questions.