Passaic County Community College
Student Organized Newspaper

Visions Newspaper
Read All the Latest works from panther VOICES

Anther Submission Guidelines
Anther: (n.) The pollen producing part of a flower’s reproductive organ.
We consider this literary journal to serve the same function as the anther of a flower. We hope to produce pollen that the community will pick up and carry as ideas to other spaces.
Submissions for Anther Journal are chosen by Visions Staff and Advisors. Submissions are accepted on a continuous basis and are open to PCCC students, NJ residents or students attending NJ colleges. Please include a short biography of 1-2 lines that includes your town or school of residence.
Submissions must be original, unpublished work in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essays, interviews with artists or authors, photography, and high-quality images of three-dimensional art. Please submit no more than 6 poems at a time and limit stories and essays to approximately 2,500 words. Please add in the subject your submission category.
Anther Journal responds to acceptances only within a 3-4 week window. Please be sure to include contact information that you check regularly.
Submissions should be e-mailed as word documents or jpegs if art/photo to: