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Domestic Violence Awareness Month:

When love is no longer an excuse to stay

On Thursday October 10, 2019, the Center for Violence Prevention held an informative table, at the main campus in Paterson, to bring awareness to domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month in October.

The Center for Violence Prevention (CVP), here at Passaic county community college, provides services, support and resources to the student body within the campus and out, concerning Power-Based personal violence (PBVP).

Ms. Nieto, the program coordinator of CVP, goes on to explain PBVP, “Power-Based personal violence is any form of violence in which the primary motivator is the assertion of control and/or intimidation in order to harm another. This includes dating/domestic violence, sexual assault/rape, stalking, and other uses of force, threat, intimidation, or harassment of an individual.”

Research has shown that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have gone through different forms of PBPV at least once during their lifetime. Ms. Nieto goes on to say, “PBPV does not discriminate and happens regardless of gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, education level, and so on. This means if it’s not you, it is someone you know.”

The center of violence prevention has incorporated informative programs to help address, prevent, educate, and to raise more awareness concerning issues of violence within the community. Ms. Nieto adds, “I am a firm believer that the more resources and victim-centered services there are, the higher probability survivors will actually utilize them.”

The CVP throughout the years have had many accomplishments within the community, which have left a permanent mark of hope to all those who are seeking a safe haven. Ms. Nieto continues to shed light on these accomplishments, “The previous CVP staff worked extraordinary in developing and launching the Colle Program Grant at PCCC, thus creating a blueprint in effective prevention education. To my knowledge, they have impacted over 2,000 students since CVP opened in numerous ways (i.e. community referrals, ensuring their safety on campus, collaborating with faculty and staff to accommodate students/survivors).

Ms. Nieto adds, “I’m sure the numbers will continue to rise which will serve as a clear indicator that CVP is accomplishing its objectives in supporting students/survivors, challenging current social norms, building bridges within the college and the community, and establishing productive partnerships.”

Having a safe space where one could seek guidance and advice is imperative when working towards obtaining a more united and love filled community.

Ms. Nieto ends by giving the students of PCCC words of wisdom and encouragement, “If you or someone you know might be in need of our services, or you aren’t sure if you do but want some clarification or just information, please stop by. It’s better to be safe and cautious rather regret or lamenting not getting accurate information. It can be life changing, and in some cases, lifesaving. Although CVP encourages everyone to make an appointment ahead of time, we always accept walk-ins.

We know every situation is unique, and involves different levels of risks and consequences associated, so we would never turn someone away. Violence prevention as a whole is a shared responsibility, thus we all play a crucial role to execute that in any and every setting we are in.”

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